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Extremely popular in its native Japan, Kanebo carries a wide variety of skincare and beauty lines available in over 49 countries. Lines range from local department store and drugstore beauty brands like Lunasol, Kate and RMK, to up-market brands like Sensai. Its luxury beauty lines are also sold at specialist cosmetic outlets, after personal consultations, to ensure the right Kanebo product suits the customer's needs. By building a wide variety of cosmetic and skincare lines after meticulous research all over the world, Kanebo continues to espouse its "feel your beauty" philosophy, developing brands and products that emphasize every woman's individual beauty.

Kanebo - Breast Bust

MAPUTI Organic Ingredients Used Fragrance Bust Cream 60g


£47.95 £32.95

Japan Wonder Bomb b-cream Boob Bust Enhancement 100g

£43.95 £35.95

Yuwa Super Boin PINKY BODY 150 Capsules (Best before 30.06.2026)

£32.95 £23.95